Design for Higher Education Engineering Program in Philadelphia
Electronic Brochure - Cover
Design for Higher Education Engineering Program
Electronic Brochure - Program Menu
Design for Higher Education Engineering Program
Electronic Brochure - Computer Science Course
Design for Higher Education Engineering Program in Philadelphia
Electronic Brochure - Robotics Course
Graphic Design for Philadelphia Engineering program

The Engineering Summer Academy offered by Penn Engineering at the University of Pennsylvania is a three-week summer program for high-school students interested in robotics, nanotechnology, biotechnology, and other STEMmy-like things like snail-slime adhesives and autonomous vehicles. (And they get a taste of big-city campus life in the bargain!)

Penn Engineering and M&P have been long-term partners, from our designs of the summer program’s user-friendly WordPress website, a fresh new logo, and regular new recruitment materials. COVID demanded a rethinking of the program and how it is marketed to high school students, most of whom were still attending school online when the project began. The usual posters mailed to high school Science Departments wouldn’t do it. So, the 2021 promo went all-electronic and was emailed directly to student candidates. It features clickable buttons that take a prospective student to more information and an application. We prepared for the possibility that some programs would have to be conducted remotely or not at all; we designed this sleek PDF presentation so that we could delete some programs while maintaining the integrity of the design and presentation. Do you need to re-engineer how you do things in the post-pandemic world? Give us a shot.

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