Split Personalities!
Comcast engaged Malish & Pagonis to art-direct this photo shoot with photographer Peter Olson.
The task? To illustrate how employees have two personas that should mesh seamlessly: one for work and one for home. Each individual brings their personality and life experience to the table, along with their business skills.
The imagery combined those work and home personas, and the striking results brought the personality and interests of Comcast employees to life in a series of internal projects. The people featured were highlighted to show the diversity of employees and their importance in their communities.
We worked with the client and the photographer on site, personally supervising the whole process. In this fast-moving shoot we used an iPad to make sketches and take notes when inspiration struck between shots, giving us ideas of how we would compose the images.
It was a highly technical project: The shoot required precise placement and positioning of the person’s torso as well their arms and hands so that images taken after a wardrobe change could be composited with images taken earlier. After the shoot, it was time for our extensive composition work. We married the individual’s work and home portraits, using our visual talents as well as state-of-the-art wizardry to make these split personalities wonderfully whole.