Bartram’s Garden and House, is a 45-acre National Historic Landmark in Philadelphia, and the original home of John Bartram, America’s first great botanist. Today, the Garden inspires visitors from around the world to care for the natural world. There’s plenty here to delight the eye, including a palette of colors and photos that, like the gardens, meadows, trails and wetlands of the garden, change with the seasons. But there are complex technical capabilities behind the scenes, too, that make the site work well for the staff and its visitors. Built on the WordPress content management platform, the staff has complete control over the content of the site. Visitors enjoy the slick, seamless integration of an online store and an events registration system that, with a click, adds events to their calendars. And, when shopping and registration are this easy, purchases of books, prints, memberships and events tickets means more revenue for this not-for-profit to carry on with its mission.